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PHCC closes Umm Ghuwailina Health Center on Weekends

20 Oct 2021


In line with its continuous efforts to improve health services and to ensure that patients receive a fully comprehensive and better range of services, PHCC has taken the decision to close the Umm Ghuwailina Health Center on weekends (Friday and Saturday) as of Friday, October 22, 2021, and to open Al Thumama Health Center during weekends starting the same date.

PHCC’s Operations Department has confirmed that patients of Umm Ghuwailina Health Center who need treatment or access to services during the weekend, without prior appointments, can go to Al Thumama, Airport, Omar Ibn Al Khattab and Al Wakra Health Centers where they will be able to access emergency services as well as the vaccination clinic, dental clinic, pharmacy, radiology and laboratory for emergency and urgent cases.

All appointments for the COVID-19 vaccine will be rescheduled to later dates and patients will be contacted and informed of the time and place of their new appointments